Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Work Attire

I know I've been MIA for a looong time. I have no excuse. Well, I have been reading a lot lately and have lost track of time that way. No excuse!

I've been thinking about my dream job: a librarian. I love what I do now in the library, but I still have that ultimate goal. It will be nice because not only will I be doing what I went to graduate school to do, I will also get to wear dressy clothes again. Right now, it's jeans, a tee-shirt, and tennis shoes for my work attire. One day, I'll get to dress up again. I can't wait. Until that day, I created an outfit that would be perfect for the job. I would love to have a pair of stylish and comfy Louboutins. One day.

Dream Job Attire

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