Monday, November 17, 2014

The Big 3-0

The day has come. I am now 30. With this age, I've always imagined that overnight I would become poised, talented, and together. A real adult. Hmm. Maybe if I remember this throughout the days it will naturally happen.

When I first started this blog, I created a list, 30 Before 30, which was a list of goals and wishes to accomplish by today. Did I do it? Let's see.

30 Before 30

  1. Become a librarian. (I became one last month! Yay!)
  2. Return to karate or do Krav Maga.
  3. Go on a trip on my own. (I went on two overnight trips to Seattle. I had so much fun.)
  4. Visit Ireland.
  5. Write at least half of a novel.
  6. Read all Jane Austen novels. (I read 2.5. Dang.)
  7. Watch Casablanca.
  8. Go camping - real camping, not in the backyard. (Camping at Mt. Baker twice; once was nowhere near campgrounds.)
  9. Visit an Ivy League university.
  10. Eat/drink at Laduree.
  11. Start a flower garden or potted plants. (I planted them. And killed them. But at least I tried!)
  12. Go to Hawai'i.
  13. Learn archery. (It's one of my favorite activities.)
  14. Go to Disney - either Land or World. (Went to Disneyland twice while living in San Diego. I loved my time there.)
  15. Learn to play poker.
  16. Visit Seattle, Washington and have coffee. (I have been wanting to do this since elementary school. It was perfect.)
  17. Create and finish the dating/engagement scrapbook.
  18. Take high or afternoon tea. (Many afternoon tea experiences under my belt.)
  19. Go to a planetarium and star gaze.
  20. Go horseback riding on the beach.
  21. Have a picnic in the mountains. (Part of the camping trips.)
  22. Eat brightly colored macaroons.(In Chicago and Seattle. They are amazing!)
  23. Build a house or church for a community.
  24. Be at goal weight.
  25. See the Pacific Ocean (Saw it in San Diego.)
  26. Visit a Renaissance festival.
  27. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
  28. Complete the Love Dare.
  29. Learn how to put my hair in a neat bun or chignon. (Not as difficult as I thought)
  30. Go paintballing. 
Almost half were accomplished, so not too bad I guess. It looks like it's now time to make goals for this new decade of living. 

1 comment:

Jenmarie said...

Happy Birthday! <3 You really did get a lot checked off your list! I'm proud of you :)