Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dream Destinations

I love to travel. A lot. In high school, I had dreams of being a travel journalist. I still do! One of my desires in a husband was he had to love to travel, and boy does my husband! That's another reason why I'm okay with the Navy life we have. We'll get to see so much, such as moving to California in a few weeks. Excitement!

So, I've been thinking of the places I would love to visit. I've been to many cities here in the U.S., and I've been to England and France - I want to go back to England and see more, especially since I know more of the history. Where else do I want to visit? Let me get my passport ready and updated.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Alaska, USA

Japan - any area!

Hong Kong, China

New York City, USA

Ireland - all of it!

Seattle, Washington

Virgin Islands 


Vancouver, Canada

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